Saturday, 21 February 2009

Session 7: Knowing God - The Interpretation of the Bible

One of the issues that people seem to grapple with when it comes to looking at the doctrine of the Bible is that of how do we interpret it? Are we meant to take things literally, or are we to merely draw out the concepts or principles and apply them to our lives? Or is there another way to go about it?
This is an issue that needs to be addressed before one can move forward in looking at the other doctrines contained in the Bible, for example God and Jesus. However, it is an issue that is not often covered in many general theological text books and is often left to specialised text books that deal with hermeneutics or homiletics.

However, if one is going to arrive at the correct message of the Bible, one must use a method or system of study. Without one it is easy to end up with puzzling and chaotic application of the Bible. Those who reject a methodic study of God's Word either has ulterior motives, or has been duped into thinking that he can find the truth without it.

Saturday, 14 February 2009

Session 6: Knowing God – The Authority of the Bible

Authority is one of the issues that is hotly debated in the post-modern age we are living in. Even within the Catholic Church there has been some questioning as to the authority of the papacy. In post-modern thinking, external authority is often refused recognition and one's own judgement has become the final authority in most matters. However, in Christianity this is an issue that needs to be recognised and dealt with and is based on what has already been discussed in previous sessions.

Monday, 9 February 2009

Session 5: Knowing God – The Inerrancy of the Bible

The inerrancy of Scripture is one of the debates that seems to be ever present in an age of scientific and historical discoveries. It is one of the areas that is often attacked first when dealing with the authority of Scripture, therefore it is the first issue that we will cover in this regard.